You might have witnessed a number of buffed up dudes sipping up those protein shakes while doing intensive rounds of workouts. 90% of these protein shakes are processed protein powder shakes which are manufactured by big health supplement brands which might not be a budget friendly option for people who are looking for an affordable substitute. Well, there is no need to worry because you can create a variety of protein shakes at home which can fulfil your protein count and give the same nutritional value in less expenditure. Let us shed some light on some exciting recipes that can rock your world and also save you some buck.
Do you Need Protein?
Well, everyone needs protein, everyone is different and some of us might need to lose some weight and some of us might need to gain some, but the fact is that protein is essential to human growth. The process is very simple, if you want to lose body fat then you need to increase your activity levels, drop the fat content from your meals and increase your protein intake. For weight gain, you need to buff up on those fats, eat more calories than your body needs to keep moving and sip on those protein shakes. Exercising helps in losing your body fat and protein helps in creating muscle mass from the fat.
Below are a few exciting recipes for protein shakes that you can create at home and enjoy your bespoke version of a protein shake which does not puts a strain on your pocket.
Peanut Butter Shake
This can be considered as the delicious of the lot, as the core ingredient for this recipe is peanut butter. Peanut butter is a wholesome nutritious package that can provide a good amount of protein count to suffice your requirement; however you need to keep your activity levels high if you are aiming to lose weight with this shake. You will be needing one cup of yogurt, half cup of almond milk (boil almond with milk), 2 tablespoons of peanut butter along with a bunch of grapes and you are good to go.
The Berry Shake
Berries are one of the healthiest fruits available on the planet and it’s mainly due to its antioxidant properties. For this shake you can use strawberries, blackberries or blue berries. You will need 8-10 berries, ½ cup cottage cheese, ¼ cup of water and some honey to make it sweeter and healthier.
Choco Banana Shake
As the name suggests, this shake is purely based on chocolate and banana and believe it or not, it’s a treat for people who love to pamper their taste buds and also keep it healthy. For this shake you will need a ½ cup of yogurt, ¾ cup of milk, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, ¼ cup cooked quinoa (very essential), one banana and one tablespoon of cocoa powder. Blend it together thoroughly to get the perfect recipe for a shake that is high in protein and other nutritional content.
Hardcore Egg Shake
So, this is a shake that purely focuses on the muscle building process and can help in providing raw protein for fat loss and transform break it to form muscles. You will need 1 raw egg, half avocado, ½ cup of milk, 1 banana and 1 teaspoon of honey, blend it together and you have a fine mix of homemade protein shake.
Smart Advice
These are a few recipes that can help you in saving a lot of money and create a bespoke shake according to your taste and nutritional requirement. However, if you don’t have this much time to source everything and need a compact solution in an affordable price bracket then you can also try out whey protein by Absolute Nutrition which is manufacturing its products in India and are also really affordable. Their products are promoted by the likes of renowned athletes like Nehal Chudasama and Anuj Kumar Taliyan and are gaining rapid popularity in the sports nutrition industry.
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